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Comal Griddle Pancakes


4 Cups all-purpose flour

1 Tablespoon baking powder

3/4 Cup sugar

1 Teaspoon kosher salt

3/4 Cups unsalted butter, melted

6 Large eggs, separated

3 Cups whole milk

1 Teaspoon vanilla
















1. In a large mixing bowl combine flour, baking powder, sugar, and salt.

2. Whisk together melted butter, egg yolks, milk, and vanilla in a mixing bowl until combined.

3. Pour the wet mixture into the dry mixture and whisk together. Batter should remain lumpy.

4. Whip the egg whites until they reach medium peaks.  

5.  Gently mix half of the whipped egg whites into the batter with a large rubber spatula.  Then gentle fold the remaining half into the batter.  Batter should remain lumpy and have large parts of egg whites not fully incorporated. 

6. Preheat No. 14 Comal griddle on burner over low heat and lightly coat the Comal with butter.

7. Drop cup (~4 tablespoons) of pancake batter on the griddle and cook to set.  When bubble start to form on top lift pancake halfway up to see if its golden brown and crispy on the edges.  If ready, flip pancake.

8. When pancake is golden brown on both sides remove with spatula.

9. Serve warm with maple syrup.